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Ain’t No Achievement Gap: Anti-Literacy Laws and the Literacy Divide
Journal of African American Studies Pub Date : 2023-06-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s12111-023-09623-8
David L. Sandles

Well-known in educational circles is the terminology that encapsulates the achievement discrepancy between white and Black students. The so-called achievement gap, the signature language used to represent the different achievement levels, challenges educators everywhere to find best practices to attend to the needs and interests of Black students. With dubious beginnings, the achievement gap arguably began during the period of American history when black people were enslaved and disallowed to educate themselves with even the most basic literacy components. This writing traces the lineage of black literacy from the mid-1700s to the present and makes the case that there is no achievement gap, there only exists a so-called achievement gap that has continually proven harmful to Black children. Accordingly, this article uses BlackCrit to examine the so-called achievement gap and to offer suggestions for mitigating its impact in educational environments.



在教育界众所周知的是概括白人和黑人学生之间成绩差异的术语。所谓的成就差距是用来代表不同成就水平的标志性语言,它挑战世界各地的教育工作者寻找最佳实践来满足黑人学生的需求和兴趣。成绩差距的开端令人怀疑,可以说是在美国历史时期开始的,当时黑人受到奴役,甚至不允许接受最基本的识字教育。这篇文章追溯了从 1700 年代中期到现在的黑人读写能力的血统,并证明不存在成就差距,只存在所谓的成就差距,这种差距不断被证明对黑人儿童有害。因此,
