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Students care “who” carries: probing attributes associated with college students’ attitudes toward campus carry
Security Journal ( IF 1.701 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-19 , DOI: 10.1057/s41284-023-00384-3
Ming-Li Hsieh

After the 2007 mass shooting at Virginia Tech, there has been a trend toward the relaxation of regulations concerning concealed carry weapons. This trend has sparked debate over the more specific campus carry legislation in a number of states. Prior studies have examined college students’ perceptions toward campus carry in general, yet little is known how students perceive faculty and visitors carrying a concealed weapon, if it is legally allowed, and what attributes are associated with various students’ responses. To address this research gap, this study conducted an anonymous electronic survey at a university in the Midwest. Results indicate that those who ascribe to a self-protection or deterrent effect rationale were less likely to express unfavorable attitudes toward student and visitor campus carry if legally allowed compared to those who are more neutral in this regard. However, those students who rationalize both propositions are more likely to support faculty campus carry. Factors associated with gun culture and campus safety also affect how students perceive allowing faculty and visitors to carry a concealed weapon.



