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The warming city: the increasing risk of summer fires in Delhi
Disasters ( IF 3.311 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-21 , DOI: 10.1111/disa.12601
Greg Bankoff 1 , Sarika Chakravarty 2 , Steve Jordan 3

Rising temperatures are mainly associated with wildfires, but the incidence of fire may also increase in the urban context. Yet, fire in Delhi, India, as elsewhere in the towns and cities of the Global South, remains largely invisible, despite the nearly 11 million people each year who are burnt severely enough to require medical attention. This paper focuses on whether summer temperatures in Delhi are rising and whether higher temperatures and lower humidity contribute to a greater number of fires in urban areas. The data strongly suggest a relationship between the warming city, a growing number of summer fires, and mounting temperatures around the world. Delhi, however, is only one example of an urban reality that is common to much of the Global South. Similar questions about the incidence of fire and whether the number is increasing need to be asked of other towns and cities that share the same vulnerabilities.



气温上升主要与野火有关,但城市中火灾的发生率也可能增加。然而,尽管每年有近 1100 万人被严重烧伤,需要医疗救助,但印度德里的火灾和南方国家其他城镇的火灾基本上仍是看不见的。本文重点研究德里夏季气温是否正在上升,以及气温升高和湿度降低是否导致城市地区发生更多火灾。这些数据有力地表明了城市变暖、夏季火灾数量不断增加以及世界各地气温不断上升之间的关系。然而,德里只是南半球大部分地区普遍存在的城市现实的一个例子。关于火灾发生率以及火灾数量是否在增加的类似问题,需要向具有相同脆弱性的其他城镇提出。