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Decomposing the Momentum in the Japanese Stock Market
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets Pub Date : 2023-06-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10690-023-09413-y
Yasuhiro Iwanaga , Takehide Hirose , Tomohiro Yoshida

In this study, we decompose momentum indicators for the Japanese stock market into two components, high-to-price and price-to-high. High-to-price has a lower downside risk and higher Sharpe ratio than price-to-high. We find that a conventional momentum strategy combines the characteristics of high-to-price in a bull market and those of price-to-high in a bear market. In particular, the large drawdowns of momentum strategies reported in previous studies seem to be largely owed to those of price-to-high in bear markets. It is possible that the mechanism generating factor returns differs among the three strategies.



