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The rate of convergence for sparse and low-rank quantile trace regression
Journal of Complexity ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jco.2023.101778
Xiangyong Tan , Ling Peng , Peiwen Xiao , Qing Liu , Xiaohui Liu

Trace regression models are widely used in applications involving panel data, images, genomic microarrays, etc., where high-dimensional covariates are often involved. However, the existing research involving high-dimensional covariates focuses mainly on the condition mean model. In this paper, we extend the trace regression model to the quantile trace regression model when the parameter is a matrix of simultaneously low rank and row (column) sparsity. The convergence rate of the penalized estimator is derived under mild conditions. Simulations, as well as a real data application, are also carried out for illustration.



