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Radiocarbon Dated Pulse and Cereal Crops Indicate Diachronic Use of Iron Age Extreme Upland Sites in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia
Geochronometria ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-24 , DOI: 10.2478/geochr-2023-0001
Peter Barta 1, 2 , Mária Hajnalová 3 , Lucia Benediková 4 , Dagmar Dreslerová 5 , Karol Pieta 4

Mountain summits in the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians bear evidence of human presence from the Late Bronze to the Late Iron Age. According to fire-induced changes in archaeological record and finds of weaponry, some of the extreme upland sites (EUS) were viewed as places of safety or refugia violently destroyed within a short period. We have focussed on three sites with summits at 1300–1550 m a. s. l. and found out that two of them were used in 650–400 calBC and 390–150 calBC, respectively. By the first systematic use of 14C dating and targeted 14C sampling, we have overcome the inherent chronological imprecision of their artefactual record and opened new vistas for interpretation of this type of sites.



西喀尔巴阡山脉斯洛伐克部分的山顶上有从青铜时代晚期到铁器时代晚期人类存在的证据。根据火灾引起的考古记录和武器发现的变化,一些极端高地遗址(EUS)被视为安全场所或避难所短时间内被猛烈破坏。我们重点关注了三个海拔为 1300-1550 m asl 的地点,发现其中两个地点分别在 650-400 calBC 和 390-150 calBC 中使用。通过首次系统使用14C 约会和有针对性14通过采样,我们克服了人工记录固有的时间顺序不精确性,并为解释此类遗址开辟了新的前景。