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A theoretical model for the effect of porosity on the relation between uniaxial compressive strength of rocks and point load index
Géotechnique Letters ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-26
H. Yang, Z. Xu, M. Jiang

Point load test is one of the most adopted indirect ways to estimate uniaxial compressive strength of rocks. Yet, the estimation can be interfered by rock porosity which has rarely been considered in model development. In this study, we proposed a theoretical model for the interpretation of point load test results considering the effect of porosity. The model was developed using the elastic stress field inside diametrically loaded sphere within the framework of linear elastic fracture mechanics and requires only basic physical parameters including porosity and Poisson's ratio. Apart from the point load index, an extra parameter, subtended angle, is included in the interpretation, which accounts partly for the wide range of the ratio between point load index and uniaxial compressive strength observed in the experiments. The predictions of proposed model compare reasonably well with data for a variety of rocks, which demonstrates the validity of the model.


