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Cell death or survival: Insights into the role of mRNA translational control
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2023.06.006
Nupur Bhatter 1 , Sergey E Dmitriev 2 , Pavel Ivanov 3

Cellular stress is an intrinsic part of cell physiology that underlines cell survival or death. The ability of mammalian cells to regulate global protein synthesis (aka translational control) represents a critical, yet underappreciated, layer of regulation during the stress response. Various cellular stress response pathways monitor conditions of cell growth and subsequently reshape the cellular translatome to optimize translational outputs. On the molecular level, such translational reprogramming involves an intricate network of interactions between translation machinery, RNA-binding proteins, mRNAs, and non-protein coding RNAs. In this review, we will discuss molecular mechanisms, signaling pathways, and targets of translational control that contribute to cellular adaptation to stress and to cell survival or death.


细胞死亡或存活:深入了解 mRNA 翻译控制的作用

