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International Arbitration and the Roots of Women’s Foreign Policy Activism
Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era ( IF 0.407 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-30 , DOI: 10.1017/s153778142300004x
Megan Threlkeld

At first glance, international arbitration—a legalistic method for the peaceful settlement of disputes among nations—may seem like a topic belonging only to the formal, male-dominated realms of diplomacy and international law. Most men in the late nineteenth century certainly thought so, and many historians since have treated it as such. But prominent women like May Wright Sewall and Belva Lockwood, and mass organizations like the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, took a lively interest in the subject in the 1890s. In that interest lay the roots of women’s foreign policy activism that led to their participation in debates over the War of 1898 and their peace efforts during and after World War I. International arbitration appealed to women because it complemented their better-known campaigns for temperance, suffrage, and other causes. As a more “civilized” method of resolving conflicts, arbitration was both a symbol of and a prerequisite for a more advanced, temperate, and equal society. It thus became a key component of women’s arguments for inclusion in the public and political life of the nation.



乍一看,国际仲裁——一种和平解决国家间争端的法律方法——似乎只属于正式的、男性主导的外交和国际法领域。十九世纪末的大多数人肯定是这么认为的,此后的许多历史学家也这么认为。但梅·赖特·休厄尔 (May Wright Sewall) 和贝尔瓦·洛克伍德 (Belva Lockwood) 等杰出女性以及基督教妇女禁酒联盟 (Woman's Christian Temperance Union) 等群众组织在 1890 年代对这一主题产生了浓厚的兴趣。出于这一利益,妇女的外交政策激进主义得以形成,导致她们参与有关 1898 年战争的辩论以及第一次世界大战期间和战后的和平努力。国际仲裁对妇女有吸引力,因为它补充了她们更为人所知的禁酒运动,选举权和其他原因。仲裁作为一种更加“文明”的解决冲突的方式,既是一个更加先进、温和、平等的社会的象征,也是一个前提。因此,它成为妇女参与国家公共和政治生活的一个重要组成部分。