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Speciation in a MacArthur model predicts growth, stability, and adaptation in ecosystem dynamics
Theoretical Ecology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12080-023-00564-2
Elena Bellavere , Christian H. S. Hamster , Joshua A. Dijksman

Ecosystem dynamics is often considered driven by a coupling of species’ resource consumption and its population size dynamics. Such resource-population dynamics is captured by MacArthur-type models. One biologically relevant feature that would also need to be captured by such models is the introduction of new and different species. Speciation introduces a stochastic component in the otherwise deterministic MacArthur theory. We describe here how speciation can be implemented to yield a model that is consistent with current theory on equilibrium resource-consumer models, but also displays readily observable rank diversity metric changes. The model also reproduces a priority effect. Adding speciation to a MacArthur-style model provides an attractively simple extension to explore the rich dynamics in evolving ecosystems.



