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Paternal morphine exposure in rats reduces social play in adolescent male progeny without affecting drug-taking behavior in juvenile males or female offspring
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mcn.2023.103877
Dana Zeid 1 , Andre B Toussaint 2 , Carmen C Dressler 1 , Samuel P Schumacher 1 , Chau Do 1 , Heather Desalvo 1 , Danait Selamawi 1 , Angela R Bongiovanni 1 , Hannah L Mayberry 1 , Gregory V Carr 3 , Mathieu E Wimmer 1

The ongoing opioid addiction crisis necessitates the identification of novel risk factors to improve prevention and treatment of opioid use disorder. Parental opioid exposure has recently emerged as a potential regulator of offspring vulnerability to opioid misuse, in addition to heritable genetic liability. An understudied aspect of this “missing heritability” is the developmental presentation of these cross-generational phenotypes. This is an especially relevant question in the context of inherited addiction-related phenotypes, given the prominent role of developmental processes in the etiology of psychiatric disorders. Paternal morphine self-administration was previously shown to alter the sensitivity to the reinforcing and antinociceptive properties of opioids in the next generation. Here, phenotyping was expanded to include the adolescent period, with a focus on endophenotypes related to opioid use disorders and pain. Paternal morphine exposure did not alter heroin or cocaine self-administration in male and female juvenile progeny. Further, baseline sensory reflexes related to pain were unaltered in morphine-sired adolescent rats of either sex. However, morphine-sired adolescent males exhibited a reduction in social play behavior. Our findings suggest that, in morphine-sired male offspring, paternal opioid exposure does not affect opioid intake during adolescence, suggesting that this phenotype does not emerge until later in life. Altered social behaviors in male morphine-sired adolescents indicate that the changes in drug-taking behavior in adults sired by morphine-exposed sires may be due to more complex factors not yet fully assessed.



