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Modelling research on the effect of nanoscale admixtures on the strength of high-rise building concrete
Journal of Experimental Nanoscience ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-13 , DOI: 10.1080/17458080.2023.2181363
Silu Yan 1 , Hao Zhang 2


MWCNTs and ultra-fine steel microwires double-doped RPC are researched to determine the modification law of flexural strength and post-folding compressive strength in order to investigate the impact of nanoscale admixtures on the strength of high-rise building concrete. This research also examines the elastic modulus of the prismatic specimen as well as the flexural toughness and compressive toughness of the load-displacement curve. Through theoretical calculations of composite materials, this paper also investigates how MWCNTs and ultra-fine steel microwires double-doped fillers improve the mechanical properties of RPC. Additionally, this work uses experimental techniques for material preparation, performance analysis and simulation research in conjunction with intelligent models. The method suggested in this research has a certain effect, and has a certain promotion effect on the subsequent performance improvement of concrete materials, as can be observed from the data statistics.




