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Dance Video Motion Recognition Based on Computer Vision and Image Processing
Applied Artificial Intelligence ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-21 , DOI: 10.1080/08839514.2023.2226962
Yawen Pang 1, 2 , Yi Niu 3


In recent years, motion recognition has become a hot research topic in the field of computer vision and has great research worth. Scholars and research institutions at home and abroad have made a lot of research and achieved good results. However, the research results of applying motion recognition technology to dance video are relatively few, mainly because the complexity of human motion in dance video is relatively high. In article, an optimized design scheme for motion recognition research of dance video based on computer vision and image processing is proposed. The collected dance video is preprocessed, including grayscale, background subtraction and filter denoising, so as to extract the character features in the video image. Then, the method of self-organizing mapping neural network (SOM) in computer vision is used to realize the recognition of dance movements. Finally, the simulation test and analysis are carried out. The simulation results show that the proposed arithmetic has a certain accuracy, which is 9.34% higher than the traditional arithmetic. The research of motion recognition method based on dance video will also play a certain reference role for the research of human motion recognition in a large number of real and complex environments, and enrich the application field of motion recognition technology.




