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Psychotic symptoms in frontotemporal dementia with TDP-43 tend to be associated with type B pathology
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-29 , DOI: 10.1111/nan.12921
Veronica Hirsch-Reinshagen 1 , Christa Hercher 2, 3 , Fidel Vila-Rodriguez 3 , Manuela Neumann 4, 5 , Rosa Rademakers 6, 7 , William G Honer 3, 8 , Ging-Yuek R Hsiung 9 , Ian R Mackenzie 1

Psychotic symptoms are increasingly recognized as a distinguishing clinical feature in patients with dementia due to frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 pathology (FTLD-TDP). Within this group, carriers of the C9orf72 repeat expansion are particularly prone to develop delusions and hallucinations.


TDP-43 导致的额颞叶痴呆的精神病症状往往与 B 型病理相关

精神病症状越来越被认为是因额颞叶变性伴 TDP-43 病理学 (FTLD-TDP) 导致的痴呆患者的一个显着临床特征。在这一群体中, C9orf72重复扩增的携带者特别容易产生妄想和幻觉。