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The energy transition and energy security nexus: an outlook for the United Kingdom
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law ( IF 1.800 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-18 , DOI: 10.1080/02646811.2023.2206322
Victor C Azubike, 1

The energy transition and achieving net-zero goals were viewed as a straight road – in some quarters. Still, with the realities on the ground, energy security has emerged as another path governments must earnestly consider. The government of the United Kingdom has backed, and committed itself to achieving, a greener and clean-energy society through various policies and laws. However, the Russian–Ukraine crisis has raised a vital question of energy security for the government. This paper looks pragmatically at some issues and opportunities for the UK government. Energy security issues are not peculiar to the UK; many countries are saddled with these energy problems.



