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Criminal Judicial Actions of the Defence Lawyer and Prosecutor: Problems of the U.S. Legal System
Public Integrity Pub Date : 2023-06-29 , DOI: 10.1080/10999922.2023.2225337
Sergiy O. Ivanytskyy 1 , Volodymyr S. Bondar 2 , Alina P. Bunina 2 , Dmytro Y. Fursov 2 , Olena V. Odintsova 2


The main purpose of the article research is to identify the reasons and motives for the commission of professional misconduct by these groups of officials and specialists in the field of jurisprudence. In this study, a combination of methods of systematic analysis of the main aspects of conducting a pre-trial investigation with the involvement of a defence lawyer and the participation of a prosecutor was used, with an analytical study of the theoretical possibilities of admitting professional misconduct by the indicated categories of specialists from jurisprudence during the pre-trial investigation. The results of this work indicate the relevance of the issues submitted for consideration in the context of the functioning of the legal systems of various countries, as well as the importance of their timely resolution within the framework of existing legal norms, which implies increasing the level of professionalism of lawyers and employees of the prosecutor’s office and minimizing the possibility of their committing professional misconduct. The findings of the research are of significant importance for all categories of professional employees in the field of jurisprudence and can be used in practice in order to determine the level of professional competence of defence lawyers, prosecutors and other officials.




