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Report of a visit to Prof HLA Hart in Oxford
Jurisprudence Pub Date : 2023-06-16 , DOI: 10.1080/20403313.2023.2214483
Walter Ott 1 , Iain Stewart 1


In 1985, Swiss legal philosopher Walter Ott visited Herbert Hart in Oxford and made this record of their meeting, which casts novel light on some of Hart’s ideas. Ott engaged Hart in a fresh encounter with the legal philosophy of Gustav Radbruch, particularly Hart’s and Radbruch’s reasons for a minimum content of justice in law. They also discussed the grudge informer, state responsibility under laws of an earlier régime, and questions of the definition and falsifiability of legal theories. Hart surprisingly reported Hans Kelsen as stating, when they had met at Berkeley in 1961, that Hume (and not Kant, and certainly not Wittgenstein) was the greatest philosopher who had ever lived. The translation is accompanied with annotations explaining references, assumptions and contexts.


访问牛津 HLA Hart 教授的报告


1985 年,瑞士法哲学家沃尔特·奥特 (Walter Ott) 在牛津拜访了赫伯特·哈特 (Herbert Hart),并记录了他们的会面记录,为哈特的一些想法提供了新的视角。奥特让哈特重新接触了古斯塔夫·拉德布鲁赫的法律哲学,特别是哈特和拉德布鲁赫关于法律正义最低限度内容的理由。他们还讨论了怨恨告密者、早期政权法律下的国家责任,以及法律理论的定义和可证伪性问题。令人惊讶的是,哈特报道汉斯·凯尔森 1961 年在伯克利见面时表示,休谟(不是康德,当然也不是维特根斯坦)是有史以来最伟大的哲学家。翻译附有解释参考文献、假设和上下文的注释。
