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Burden matrix control based on gas flow characteristics of blast furnace
Ironmaking & Steelmaking ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-18 , DOI: 10.1080/03019233.2023.2210937
DongHui Gao 1, 2 , GuoPing Luo 1 , YueMing Wang 3 , GuoCheng Zhang 4 , YiFan Chai 1


Bernoulli′s principle was adopted to analyze gas flow characteristics in the cohesive zone, and the numerical condition for forming a gas flow whirlpool in the cohesive zone was calculated, a method of controlling the burden matrix was thus obtained and applied to industrial production. The results show that the numerical condition for forming a gas flow whirlpool field in the cohesive zone are obtained by the energy conservation law. Adopting this numerical condition, by ensuring a reasonable ore–coke ratio in the ore zone, moving the burden matrix angle outward to the wall of blast furnace, narrowing the burden matrix angle difference of the ore, and increasing the area of the ore-free zone, to form a funnel of certain depth in the ore-free zone, which is conducive to forming a gas flow whirlpool field that the indexes of blast furnace are obviously improved.




