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Self-exploiting for survival in the urban global South: insights of agrarian political economy for urban theory
Urban Geography ( IF 3.563 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-07 , DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2023.2226986
Diana Denham 1


This paper considers the value of agrarian political economic scholarship for urban theory-building. Drawing on Chayanov’s theory of peasant economy developed in early twentieth century Russia and feminist scholarship emphasizing how women’s is work rendered invisible by standard economic measures, it demonstrates how households’ reliance on gendered self-exploitation via pooled family labor in contemporary urban Mexico drives forms of popular urbanism. An ethnographic study of street markets, the paper argues that – like rural peasant households managing to survive a seemingly totalizing transition to capitalist agriculture – street vendors’ non-capitalist labor strategies at the household level paradoxically allow for their survival amidst pressures from highly capitalized retail embodied in the multinational chains expanding across Latin America. Given that economies based on gendered labor of the self-exploiting family are dominant rather than peripheral in the global South, it reveals a need to recenter uneven geographies of social reproduction in urban political economy.




