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Visualization of the composition of the urinary fluorescent metabolome. Why is it important to consider initial urine concentration?
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-19 , DOI: 10.1088/2050-6120/ace512
Katarína Dubayová 1 , Anna Birková 1 , Martin Lešo 2 , Jaroslava Žilková 2 , Anton Karabinoš 3 , Mária Mareková 1 , Marek Stupák 1

Urine is a highly complex fluorescent system, the fluorescence of which can be affected by many factors, including the often-ignored initial urine concentration in comprehensive fluorescent urine analysis. In this study, a total urine fluorescent metabolome profile (uTFMP) was created as a three-dimensional fluorescence profile of serial synchronous spectra of urine diluted by geometric progression. uTFMP was generated using software designed for this purpose after recalculating the 3D data concerning the initial urine concentration. It can be presented as a contour map (top view) or as a more illustrative and straightforward simple curve, thus usable in various medicinal applications.



尿液是一个高度复杂的荧光系统,其荧光会受到许多因素的影响,其中包括在综合荧光尿液分析中经常被忽视的初始尿液浓度。在本研究中,创建了总尿液荧光代谢组图谱(uTFMP),作为按几何级数稀释的尿液的连续同步光谱的三维荧光图谱。在重新计算有关初始尿液浓度的 3D 数据后,使用为此目的设计的软件生成 uTFMP。它可以呈现为等高线图(顶视图)或更具说明性和直接的简单曲线,因此可用于各种医学应用。