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Effect of particle size and particle size distribution on the post-liquefaction strength of granular soils
Soils and Foundations ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sandf.2023.101336
Mathan V. Manmatharajan , Edouardine-Pascale Ingabire , Alex Sy , Mason Ghafghazi

In practice, post-liquefaction strength is largely determined from case histories, but the case history database is limited and there are gaps in the information available in each case. As a result, laboratory tests have continued to play a key role in determining how various factors influence post-liquefaction strength. This paper presents an investigation into how factors such as particle size, particle size distribution, fines content, and compressibility influence post-liquefaction strength in simple shear tests. Eleven particle size distributions of a natural soil and a tailings material, ranging from silt to fine gravel, were studied. The results were compared with case histories.

Materials of different geologic origins have meaningfully different post-liquefaction strengths. Particle size and particle size distributions were both found to significantly affect post-liquefaction response as well. Post-liquefaction strengths obtained from simple shear tests agreed well with those back calculated from case histories. Laboratory testing can be utilized to determine how the post-liquefaction strength of a given material may compare to the case history database, and can be used to guide design decisions. This is an important practical finding, given the sparse case history database.




