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Review of design and innovative construction of steel truss cable-stayed bridges in China
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-09 , DOI: 10.1680/jcien.23.00046
Xiangmin Yu 1 , Dewei Chen 2 , Jinhong Yu 3

Many steel truss cable-stayed bridges have been built in China in the past two decades, providing a wealth of design and construction experience. This paper provides a review of their development, the structural configurations used, the mechanical characteristics of decks, pylons and cables, and the various innovative construction methods adopted. With main spans now exceeding 1 km, the sturdy structures are mainly used for combined rail-and-road crossings in preference to more flexible suspension bridges. The aim of the paper is to provide a comprehensive and useful reference for further design and construction of steel truss cable-stayed bridges worldwide.



近二十年来,我国修建了多座钢桁架斜拉桥,提供了丰富的设计和施工经验。本文回顾了它们的发展、所使用的结构配置、桥面、塔架和电缆的机械特性,以及所采用的各种创新施工方法。主跨度现已超过 1 公里,坚固的结构主要用于铁路和公路联合交叉口,而不是更灵活的悬索桥。本文旨在为国内外钢桁架斜拉桥的进一步设计和施工提供全面、有益的参考。