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Registration of ‘DALSA 1618’ St. Augustinegrass
Journal of Plant Registrations ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-10 , DOI: 10.1002/plr2.20302
Ambika Chandra 1 , A. Dennis Genovesi 1 , Meghyn Meeks 1 , Chrissie A. Segars 1 , Justin Eads 1 , Reagan Hejl 2 , Weston Floyd 3 , Benjamin Wherley 3 , Chase Straw 3 , Rebecca Bowling 1 , Kevin Kenworthy 4 , Brian Schwartz 5 , Paul Raymer 6 , Susana Milla‐Lewis 7 , Yanqi Wu 8

‘DALSA 1618’ (Reg. no. CV-291, PI 702594) is a first-generation intraspecific St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] hybrid developed by Texas A&M AgriLife Research in Dallas, TX, from a cross between a drought-resistant polyploid female parent, TAES 5384 (PI 300130, GRIN National Plant Germplasm System), and a semi-dwarf shade-tolerant diploid pollen donor, ‘Amerishade’. DALSA 1618 was formerly tested as ‘TAES 5896-09’ and ‘TXSA-156’. Superior performance and quality from 2010 to 2015 in space-plant nurseries across multiple environments led to advancing DALSA 1618 to replicated trials in 10 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) locations across the southcentral and southeastern United States. DALSA 1618 was one of the top performers in the 2016 NTEP (2016–2020). It established faster than ‘CitraBlue’ and similarly to other tested commercial cultivars. DALSA 1618 exhibited high turfgrass quality in standard and ancillary trials and earlier spring greenup, which was generally better than ‘Floratam’. Drought resistance of DALSA 1618 was similar to Floratam (a drought-resistant aneuploid). Tolerance to moderately dense shade was tested in Dallas, TX, from 2017 to 2020, where DALSA 1618 exhibited improved shade tolerance relative to Floratam. This array of environmental testing indicates DALSA 1618 possesses a unique combination of drought and shade tolerance that would allow its use across the southcentral and southeastern United States.


“DALSA 1618”圣奥古斯丁草的注册

“DALSA 1618”(注册号 CV-291,PI 702594)是第一代种内圣奥古斯丁草 [ Stenotaphrum secundatum(Walt.) Kuntze] 杂交种,由位于德克萨斯州达拉斯的德克萨斯 A&M AgriLife 研究中心开发,由抗旱多倍体母本 TAES 5384(PI 300130,GRIN 国家植物种质系统)和半矮化遮荫性品种杂交而成。耐受二倍体花粉供体“Amerishade”。DALSA 1618 以前测试为“TAES 5896-09”和“TXSA-156”。2010 年至 2015 年,在多个环境中的太空植物苗圃中表现出卓越的性能和质量,促使 DALSA 1618 在美国中南部和东南部 10 个国家草坪评估计划 (NTEP) 地点进行重复试验。DALSA 1618 是 2016 年 NTEP(2016-2020 年)中表现最好的产品之一。它的生长速度比“CitraBlue”更快,并且与其他经过测试的商业品种类似。DALSA 1618 在标准和辅助试验以及较早的春季返绿中表现出高草坪草质量,通常优于“Floratam”。DALSA 1618 的抗旱性与 Floratam(抗旱非整倍体)相似。2017 年至 2020 年在德克萨斯州达拉斯市测试了对中等密度遮荫性的耐受性,其中 DALSA 1618 相对于 Floratam 表现出更高的遮荫性。这一系列的环境测试表明 DALSA 1618 具有独特的耐旱性和耐荫性,使其能够在美国中南部和东南部使用。其中 DALSA 1618 相对于 Floratam 表现出更好的耐荫性。这一系列的环境测试表明 DALSA 1618 具有独特的耐旱性和耐荫性,使其能够在美国中南部和东南部使用。其中 DALSA 1618 相对于 Floratam 表现出更好的耐荫性。这一系列的环境测试表明 DALSA 1618 具有独特的耐旱性和耐荫性,使其能够在美国中南部和东南部使用。