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Systems pharmacology dissection of the mechanisms and therapeutic potential of Cassiae semen for hepatoprotection and brightening eyes
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-10 , DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.3417
Jing-Xiao Zhang , Zi-Yi Chen , Xue-Zhen Huang , Lin-Yue Qi , Wei Zhou

Cassiae semen has been shown to play significant roles in reversing “liver fire” to improve vision. The systems mechanism of Cassiae semen for hepatoprotection and brightening eyes has not been fully explored. The systems pharmacology approach is proposed to dissect the potential pharmacological mechanism of Cassiae semen for hepatoprotection and brightening eyes. The results showed that 26 active components of Cassiae semen that connected with 230 targets were obtained. Gene ontology enrichment, network and pathway analysis explored that Cassiae semen is responsible for hepatoprotection and brightening eyes. The current study will contribute to the research and development of functional foods.



