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A teacher’s facilitation of Mexican immigrant students’ border crossings in a dual-language classroom
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism ( IF 3.165 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-11 , DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2023.2232519
María G. Lang 1, 2 , Georgia Earnest García 1, 2


This ethnographic study utilized border theory to examine how a bilingual Latinx teacher created equitable instruction for Mexican immigrant second-graders in a 50–50 dual-language (DL) classroom in the U.S. Midwest. Approximately half the students in the DL classroom came from Spanish-speaking, working-class homes, and half from English-speaking, middle-class homes. The teacher reduced linguistic borders when she drew from her personal experiences and knowledge of bilingualism to forbid linguistic discrimination, separated students’ second-language mastery from their conceptual understanding, and facilitated translanguaging (bilingual individuals’ use of integrated linguistic resources). She promoted class border crossings when she intentionally grouped students and told the English-dominant students that they were disrespecting their Spanish-dominant classmates when they refused to speak Spanish. Borders that the teacher could not change were the high status of English at the school and the English-dominant students’ expectation that the Spanish-dominant students would help them with their Spanish but that they did not have to reciprocate. Educational implications included training DL teachers so that they know how to reduce the privileges of the English speakers and how to support translanguaging. A call for more classroom research to address the power dynamics between language-minority and majority students in DL classrooms was made.




这项民族志研究利用边界理论来研究一位双语拉丁裔教师如何在美国中西部的 50-50 名双语 (DL) 教室中为墨西哥移民二年级学生创造公平的教学。深度学习教室中大约一半的学生来自讲西班牙语的工人阶级家庭,一半来自讲英语的中产阶级家庭。老师利用自己的个人经验和双语知识来减少语言界限,禁止语言歧视,将学生的第二语言掌握与概念理解分开,并促进跨语言(双语个体对综合语言资源的使用)。她故意将学生分组,并告诉以英语为主的学生,当他们拒绝说西班牙语时,他们是对以西班牙语为主的同学的不尊重,从而促进了班级边界的跨越。老师无法改变的边界是英语在学校的崇高地位,以及以英语为主的学生期望以西班牙语为主的学生会帮助他们学习西班牙语,但他们不必回报。教育意义包括培训深度学习教师,让他们知道如何减少英语使用者的特权以及如何支持跨语言。有人呼吁开展更多课堂研究,以解决深度学习课堂上语言少数群体和多数群体学生之间的权力动态问题。老师无法改变的边界是英语在学校的崇高地位,以及以英语为主的学生期望以西班牙语为主的学生会帮助他们学习西班牙语,但他们不必回报。教育意义包括培训深度学习教师,让他们知道如何减少英语使用者的特权以及如何支持跨语言。有人呼吁开展更多课堂研究,以解决深度学习课堂上语言少数群体和多数群体学生之间的权力动态问题。老师无法改变的边界是英语在学校的崇高地位,以及以英语为主的学生期望以西班牙语为主的学生会帮助他们学习西班牙语,但他们不必回报。教育意义包括培训深度学习教师,让他们知道如何减少英语使用者的特权以及如何支持跨语言。有人呼吁开展更多课堂研究,以解决深度学习课堂上语言少数群体和多数群体学生之间的权力动态问题。教育意义包括培训深度学习教师,让他们知道如何减少英语使用者的特权以及如何支持跨语言。有人呼吁开展更多课堂研究,以解决深度学习课堂上语言少数群体和多数群体学生之间的权力动态问题。教育意义包括培训深度学习教师,让他们知道如何减少英语使用者的特权以及如何支持跨语言。有人呼吁开展更多课堂研究,以解决深度学习课堂上语言少数群体和多数群体学生之间的权力动态问题。
