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Understanding Public Acceptance of Automobile Restriction Policies: A Qualitative Study in Four Latin American Cities
Society ( IF 0.979 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s12115-023-00867-4
Àlex Boso , Christian Oltra , Jaime Garrido , Sergi López-Asensio

In recent decades, several Latin American cities have implemented policy instruments to reduce urban air pollution and traffic congestion such as license plate–based restrictions on car use. Our research analyzes the factors influencing the public acceptance of these urban policies in four cities: Bogotá, Mexico City, Santiago de Chile, and Quito. We use semi-structured interviews and digital diaries to examine participants’ beliefs and emotions about vehicle restrictions as well as their daily mobility experiences. The study illustrates the importance of three main beliefs in shaping the public acceptance of the measures (perceived effectiveness, perceived fairness, and perceived personal impacts). The results also show a certain resignation on the part of the participants, accepting that the policies are necessary and, to some extent, effective in pacifying traffic and improving air quality in highly populated cities, even if the policies generate certain undesirable distributional and personal impacts. The study uncovers the importance of the local context in understanding why certain urban policies, successfully applied in other contexts, might have lower levels of public support in Latin American cities. A high population density, regulatory shortcomings, enforcement difficulties, and deficits in infrastructure and public transport all create a mobility context in which some policies to improve urban air quality and traffic congestion generate high levels of frustration and ambivalence among the residents.



