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Structural and Dynamic Organization of Forests of the Basin of Lake Baikal
Geography and Natural Resources Pub Date : 2023-07-17 , DOI: 10.1134/s1875372823010110
V. I. Voronin , A. P. Sizykh , V. A. Oskolkov


This article presents the results of a study of the structural and dynamic organization of forests located in basins of large rivers influent into Lake Baikal that have considerable influence on changes in the hydrologic regimes of the lake. It is known that the annual river flow significantly depends on the state of the forests growing in the river basins. The stable hydrologic regimes of the rivers responsible for most water runoff into the lake are directly dependent on the functional properties of forests. Maintaining the functions of environmental conservation and water regulation of forests contributes to the stable functioning of river basins, ensuring the general sustainability of the lake as an integrated ecosystem within the Lake Baikal basin. It is noted that the combination of centuries-spanning dynamics of forests associated with the succession of forest-forming species (typical for zonal types of vegetation) and the influence of climate change facilitates the formation of polydominant dark–light coniferous and light coniferous forests and, additionally, influences the hydrologic regimes of rivers in the study areas. The structural and dynamic organization of forest communities of different physical and geographical conditions is established, as are the characteristics of their formation. This information is then used to forecast the vector of possible development of forests growing within the Lake Baikal drainage basin. It is shown that changes in the structure, dynamics, and spatial organization of forests within the drainage basin of the lake, associated with the intensification of fires over the last several decades and recent industrial logging, affect river flows and, consequently, lead to relatively severe fluctuations in lake water levels across years. It is established that trends in forest formation within basins of rivers influent into Baikal determine the relationships in the “forest structure–river volume” systems, which can influence the optimization of forest use within the Lake Baikal basin as a whole.




