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Model Validation of Rigid Body Tilting of Deformed Spinning Discs with Spline-Guided Constraints
Experimental Techniques ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s40799-023-00657-x
J. Xue , B. Ma , M. Chen , L. Yu , L. Zheng

This paper analyzes the rigid body tilting of the spinning disc with a spline-guided boundary condition. Firstly, a comprehensive dynamic model of the flat disc is built to illustrate the general forces during rigid body tilting. On this basis, the tilting model of deformed discs is derived by introducing the shape function. Also, the model accounts for friction at the spline interface, constraints on the tilting angle, and the impact force experienced with the boundary during the tilting motion. A test rig is designed to evaluate the accuracy of the model, and the similarity between experimental and simulated signals is compared in both the time domain and frequency domain. The results show that the rotational speed increases the spectral amplitude associated with boundary impact, whereas disc deformation contributes to variations in the frequency bands of spectral peaks, resulting in the emergence of spectral peaks at higher frequencies.



