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How transnational rules can contribute to the improvement of the Brazilian regulatory system for unitization—an analysis under the transnational legal order perspective
The Journal of World Energy Law & Business ( IF 0.403 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-24 , DOI: 10.1093/jwelb/jwad015
Luciana Palmeira Braga 1 , Helder Queiroz Pinto 2 , Olavo Bentes David 3

Unitization is the most effective method to avoid irrational, wasteful and environmentally unsustainable production of oil and natural gas. Therefore, it is important to notice that unitization is a complex practice. It is effective for the equitable production division of a deposit shared by different owners. However, compulsory membership can result in costly negotiation and make exploration and production projects less attractive. In the pre-salt, the most productive Brazilian oil province, unitization processes are common and even more complex due to the following factors: (i) there are three different tax regimes in the pre-salt polygon; (ii) when the reservoir is shared with an area not granted yet (referred to as an open area), the Brazilian regulation establishes that the unitization process must be carried out with the public company, Pré-sal Petróleo S.A., representing the Government; (iii) moreover, due to the high productivity of the pre-salt layer, the financial values involved in this process are substantial, even with a participation of less than 1 per cent in the shared reservoir. Brazil established a robust regulation on unitization in 2013, which was amended in 2017 and, again, in 2020. This demonstrates that the regulatory improvement process, in the search for a more efficient regulation—that balances the attraction of investments and protection of the public interest—is continuous. This article proposes that in this process of regulatory improvement, good international petroleum industry practices (good practices), contractual models drawn up by industry associations and codes of conduct shall be used as a reference. These non-state rules, which are the result of self-regulation by the upstream sector of the oil industry, will be considered in this article as transnational rules, following the approach of Halliday and Shaffer, who propose the existence of a transnational legal order.



单元化是避免石油和天然气生产不合理、浪费和环境不可持续的最有效方法。因此,重要的是要注意单元化是一个复杂的实践。它对于不同所有者共享的存款的公平生产分配是有效的。然而,强制成员资格可能会导致谈判成本高昂,并降低勘探和生产项目的吸引力。在巴西产量最高的石油产区盐下地区,由于以下因素,统一化过程很常见,甚至更加复杂:(i) 盐下多边形存在三种不同的税收制度;(ii) 当水库与尚未授予的区域(称为开放区域)共享时,巴西法规规定必须与上市公司一起进行单元化过程,Pré-sal Petroleo SA,代表政府;(iii) 此外,由于盐下层的高生产力,即使共享水库的参与人数不到 1%,这一过程所涉及的财务价值也是巨大的。巴西于 2013 年制定了强有力的单元化监管,并于 2017 年和 2020 年再次进行了修订。这表明,在寻求更有效的监管过程中,监管改进过程可以平衡吸引投资和保护公众兴趣——是持续的。本文建议,在这一监管完善过程中,应借鉴国际石油行业良好实践(良好实践)、行业协会制定的合同模式和行为准则。这些非国家规则,