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Evaluating Predictors and Outcomes of Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization for Women Officers
Women & Criminal Justice ( IF 1.477 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-24 , DOI: 10.1080/08974454.2023.2234357
Amie M. Schuck 1 , Cara E. Rabe-Hemp 2


The purpose of this study is to examine the predictors and consequences of two dimensions of burnout, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization, among 1,531 women officers serving in 83 law enforcement agencies. Studying burnout is vital to building support systems that can help women thrive in law enforcement. The findings show that a substantial number of women officers experience exhaustion and depersonalization and that reducing job demands, discrimination, and tokenism are critically important to reducing burnout. The results also highlight the potentially detrimental consequences of burnout, particularly depersonalization, on attitudes about misconduct and physical force, as well as commitment to the organization. We conclude by discussing how organizations can reduce burnout among women officers by changing policies and practices to place a concern for diversity and equality for women at the center of police culture.




本研究的目的是调查 83 个执法机构的 1,531 名女警官的倦怠、情绪耗竭和人格解体两个维度的预测因素和后果。研究职业倦怠对于建立帮助女性在执法领域蓬勃发展的支持系统至关重要。研究结果表明,大量女警官经历过疲惫和人格解体,减少工作要求、歧视和象征主义对于减少倦怠至关重要。结果还强调了倦怠,特别是人格解体,对不当行为和体力的态度以及对组织的承诺的潜在有害后果。
