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Surgical correction of an infundibular pulmonic stenosis and ventricular septal defect in a Shetland Sheepdog
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvc.2023.07.002
G Mampaey 1 , T Bové 2 , F De Somer 2 , N Devriendt 1 , S Bouchez 2 , T Bosmans 1 , L Stammeleer 1 , J Panzer 3 , A Hellemans 1 , P Smets 1

A four-month-old male Shetland Sheepdog presented with exercise intolerance. Physical examination revealed an IV/VI left cranial systolic heart murmur. Echocardiography showed a severe infundibular pulmonic stenosis and a concomitant restrictive ventricular septal defect. As clinical signs of congestive right-sided heart failure worsened and were refractory to medical treatment, surgical correction was advised. Via sternotomy, with cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic cardiac arrest, ventricular septal defect closure and resection of the stenotic infundibular band were performed through right ventriculotomy, followed by patch enlargement. Postoperative recovery was uneventful and echocardiography showed complete resolution of the stenosis and successful closure of the ventricular septal defect. Follow-up echocardiography revealed restenosis after seven weeks and recurrence of right-sided heart failure three months postoperatively. Stenting of the restenosis was attempted via a hybrid procedure with sternotomy and direct transventricular approach. The dog developed fatal ventricular fibrillation during stent deployment. This is the first dog in which surgical right ventricular patch enlargement under cardiopulmonary bypass is reported for the treatment of a primary infundibular pulmonic stenosis.



一只四个月大的雄性喜乐蒂牧羊犬出现运动不耐症。体检发现左颅 IV/VI 期收缩期心脏杂音。超声心动图显示严重的漏斗部肺动脉瓣狭窄和伴随的限制性室间隔缺损。由于充血性右心衰竭的临床症状恶化且药物治疗无效,建议进行手术矫正。通过胸骨切开术、体外循环和心脏停跳,通过右心室切开术闭合室间隔缺损并切除狭窄的漏斗部带,然后进行补片扩大术。术后恢复顺利,超声心动图显示狭窄完全消退,室间隔缺损成功闭合。随访超声心动图显示七周后再狭窄,术后三个月右心衰竭复发。通过胸骨切开术和直接经脑室入路的混合手术尝试对再狭窄进行支架置入术。该狗在支架展开期间出现致命的心室颤动。这是第一只据报道在体外循环下进行手术右心室扩大术来治疗原发性漏斗部肺动脉狭窄的狗。
