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Stalked by the Malignant Father's Spirit: A Case of Patricide among the Yagwoia (PNG)
Oceania ( IF 1.167 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-25 , DOI: 10.1002/ocea.5371
Jadran Mimica 1

Among the Yagwoia (PNG), the dynamics of fatherhood is a process of man's transmission to and incorporation of his vital substance by his progeny. In this way, the father becomes replaced principally by his son(s). This process, referred to as the incorporation and replacement of the father's ‘bone’, has multiple actualisations whose concrete reality and significance can only be adequately understood through individual-biographical life-situations and trajectories. Even if not expressed through overt conflict, the dynamics of the incorporation of the father's ‘bone’ is fundamentally conflictual. It is frequently experienced by man as a violent loss of and disinvestment from his generative bodily core, especially in the sphere of prestations and financial provisioning for his children. In this context, the father's handling of his son's bride-price shells/money has central importance. However, it is the entirety of the father's comportment to his son and daughter that effectively generates this continuous and irreversible process of the self-transmission of his vital substance. If he is greedy, selfish and ungiving, then all the same – his ‘bone’ transmission will be merely keyed in and acted out in an increasingly overt negative mode, and the son's comportment to him will be equally bad. No matter what kind of father a man may be, his son's incorporation of his father's osseous strength is unstoppable. Thus, a son not only threatens and intimidates, but also may beat up and occasionally kill his father. This paper deals with one such extreme case of son's replacement and incorporation of his father's vital core.


被恶毒父亲的灵魂跟踪:Yagwoia 中的弑父事件 (PNG)

在 Yagwoia(巴布亚新几内亚)中,父亲的动态是一个男人将其生命物质传递给后代并由其后代吸收的过程。这样,父亲就主要被他的儿子所取代。这一过程被称为父亲“骨头”的合并和替代,具有多重实现,其具体现实和意义只能通过个人传记的生活情境和轨迹才能充分理解。即使没有通过公开的冲突来表达,父亲“骨头”的融入动态从根本上来说也是冲突的。人类经常将其经历为他的生育身体核心的剧烈损失和撤资,特别是在为孩子提供食物和经济供给方面。在此背景下,父亲对儿子彩礼/金钱的处理至关重要。然而,正是父亲对儿子和女儿的全部行为有效地产生了他的生命物质的这种持续且不可逆转的自我传递过程。如果他贪婪、自私、不肯付出,那么无论如何,他的“骨”传递只会被键入并以越来越明显的消极模式表现出来,而儿子对他的态度也会同样糟糕。无论一个男人是什么样的父亲,儿子融入父亲骨性力量的力量是不可阻挡的。因此,儿子不仅威胁、恐吓,还可能殴打甚至有时杀害父亲。本文讨论的是这样一个极端的案例:儿子取代并合并了父亲的重要核心。