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Decidability Boundaries for the Finite-Image Property of Weighted Finite Automata
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-25 , DOI: 10.1142/s0129054123450041
Manfred Droste 1 , Zoltán Fülöp 2 , Dávid Kószó 2

A weighted finite automaton has the finite-image property if the image of the weighted language associated with it is finite. We show two undecidability results concerning the finite-image property of weighted finite automata over semirings, respectively strong bimonoids. Firstly, we give a computable idempotent commutative past-finite ordered semiring such that it is undecidable, for an arbitrary deterministic weighted finite automaton 𝒜 over that semiring, whether 𝒜 has the finite-image property. Secondly, we give a computable commutative past-finite monotonic ordered strong bimonoid such that it is undecidable, for an arbitrary weighted finite automaton 𝒜 over that strong bimonoid, whether 𝒜 has the finite-image property. This shows that recent decidability results for suitable weighted finite automata over past-finite monotonic strong bimonoids cannot be extended to natural classes of ordered semirings and ordered strong bimonoids without further assumptions.



