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Exploring change in secondary mathematics teachers' noticing of argumentation through experiencing peer-assessment strategies
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education ( IF 1.786 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10857-023-09586-3
Samaher Nama , Michal Ayalon

This study examines changes in secondary mathematics teachers' noticing of argumentation through experiencing a peer-assessment cycle. Sixty-one teachers participated in such a cycle comprised of (a) analyzing a written argumentation classroom situation (ACS) using a report format, (b) collaboratively assessing peers' ACS-reports using an ACS rubric format and providing feedback to peers, (c) receiving feedback from peers and individually refining the initial ACS-reports, and (d) reflecting on their experience. Analysis of teachers' initial and refined ACS-reports revealed changes in teachers’ noticing of various dimensions associated with argumentation. Analysis of teachers' written reflections and semi-structured interviews provided insights into the characteristics of the experience that supported or inhibited the change in their noticing of argumentation, from their perspective. The study provides evidence of the potential of the peer-assessment-cycle process for teachers' learning to notice key aspects of argumentation.



本研究探讨了中学数学教师通过经历同伴评估周期对辩论的注意程度的变化。61 名教师参与了这样一个周期,包括 (a) 使用报告格式分析书面论证课堂情境 (ACS),(b) 使用 ACS 评分标准格式协作评估同伴的 ACS 报告并向同伴提供反馈,( c) 接收同行的反馈并单独完善最初的 ACS 报告,以及 (d) 反思他们的经验。对教师初始和完善的 ACS 报告的分析揭示了教师对与论证相关的各个维度的关注的变化。对教师书面反思和半结构化访谈的分析,从教师的角度深入了解了支持或抑制他们对论证的关注发生变化的经历特征。该研究提供了证据,证明了同行评估循环过程对于教师学习注意论证的关键方面的潜力。
