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Student Perceptions of Quality Matters Standards on Engagement and Learning
American Journal of Distance Education Pub Date : 2023-08-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08923647.2023.2242734
Sheri Conklin 1 , Daisyane Barreto 1


In this study, we recreated a study by Sadaf and colleagues and examined student perceptions of the impact of Quality Matters (QM) standards on students’ learning and engagement. Nineteen graduate students enrolled in an Instructional Technology online program completed a survey created based on the QM Rubric items. The QM Rubric (6th edition) includes 42 Specific Review Standards clustered into eight General Standards. Among the eight standards, students rated Learning Objectives and Assessment and Measurement to have the highest impact on both student learning and engagement. These results will help instructional designers and online instructors understand the impact of individual QM design standards from students’ points of view as a means to design online courses that effectively contribute to their learning and engagement.


学生对质量问题的看法 参与和学习标准


在这项研究中,我们重新创建了 Sadaf 及其同事的一项研究,并研究了学生对质量问题 (QM) 标准对学生学习和参与的影响的看法。参加教学技术在线课程的 19 名研究生完成了一项根据 QM 评分标准项目创建的调查。QM 评分标准(第6版)包括 42 项具体审查标准,分为 8 项通用标准。在八项标准中,学生认为学习目标以及评估和测量对学生的学习和参与度影响最大。这些结果将帮助教学设计师和在线教师从学生的角度了解个人质量管理设计标准的影响,作为设计有效促进他们学习和参与的在线课程的一种手段。
