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Staying connected: Alzheimer's hashtags and opportunities for engagement and overcoming stigma
Journal of Aging Studies ( IF 2.707 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaging.2023.101165
Kelly E Tenzek 1 , Emily Lapan 1 , Yotam Ophir 1 , Tahleen A Lattimer 1

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a terminal, neurodegenerative disease, and consequently is difficult to communicate about as it is stigmatized, and discussions are rife with misconceptions. By situating AD conversations in the sociocultural space of the opportunity model of presence during the end-of-life process, a framework developed illustrating the potential trajectory from living with illness through death and into bereavement, we examined networked discussions surrounding Alzheimer's related hashtags on Twitter (N = 132,803) between January 1st, 2010, and September 29th, 2021. Using the mixed-method approach of the Analysis of Topic Model Network (ANTMN) framework, results revealed 30 topics clustered into five distinct themes: promotion, education, action, “You aren't alone”, and dementia. Results indicated that discussions surrounding World Alzheimer's Day focused on changing stigma and promoting engagement in difficult conversations. The frequency of themes over time remained relatively stable. By understanding how Twitter's online discourse may be used to overcome stigmatized topics, we can continue to tailor messages to reduce stigma and provide support for those who experience similar health issues.



阿尔茨海默病 (AD) 是一种晚期神经退行性疾病,因此很难沟通,因为它受到污名化,讨论中充满了误解。通过将 AD 对话置于临终过程中存在机会模型的社会文化空间中,开发了一个框架,说明了从带病生活到死亡再到丧亲之痛的潜在轨迹,我们研究了 Twitter 上围绕阿尔茨海默氏症相关主题标签的网络讨论( N  = 132,803) 于 2010 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年 9 月 29 日期间进行。使用主题模型网络分析 (ANTMN) 框架的混合方法,结果揭示了 30 个主题,分为五个不同的主题:推广、教育、行动、“你并不孤单”和痴呆症。结果表明,围绕世界阿尔茨海默病日的讨论重点是改变耻辱感和促进参与困难的对话。随着时间的推移,主题的频率保持相对稳定。通过了解如何利用 Twitter 的在线讨论来克服污名化话题,我们可以继续定制消息以减少污名化,并为那些经历类似健康问题的人提供支持。
