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Religion and the rise of magic in Urdu print culture: the case of Chīn aur Bangāl kā Jādū
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Pub Date : 2023-08-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s1356186323000226
Markus Daechsel

This article offers a first survey of a novel genre of grimoires published in Urdu-reading India in the early twentieth century. It contained a wide selection of magic material from Islamicate and Tantric sources as well as Western parapsychology and spiritualism. Its applications ranged from remedies of last resort in illness, relationship troubles, and other life problems to common household cures and magical tricks performed for pleasure alone. Produced and read by members of all religious groups in North India, this material indicates important changes in popular attitudes towards magic. Magic by no means declined at the beginning of the twentieth century, but flourished as a viable commercial print genre that became increasingly detached from religion.


乌尔都语印刷文化中的宗教与魔法的兴起:Chīn aur Bangāl kā Jādū 的案例

