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Education among Indian Muslims. Jamia Millia Islamia's journal Payām-e taʿlīm
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Pub Date : 2023-08-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s1356186322000840
Margrit Pernau

The rapid changes caused by high imperialism and modernisation induced an orientation towards the future among the Indian Muslims: where was the community and the nation heading? What did the young generation need, in terms of both character and knowledge, to master the future and to shape it in such a way as to bring justice and civilisation, honour and prosperity to the country?

This article aims to investigate how such important, lofty questions on education were translated into everyday pedagogical practices by looking at Payām-e taʿlīm, a journal for children that was brought out by the Jamia Millia Islamia, the nationalist Muslim university and school in Delhi, from 1926 onwards. Payām provided stories, knowledge, and ideas to students of Jamia's own primary and secondary schools, but which was also successfully aimed at a wider geographical spread.


印度穆斯林的教育。Jamia Millia Islamia 的期刊 Payām-e taʿlīm


本文旨在通过查看《Payām-e taʿlīm》(由位于德里的民族主义穆斯林大学和学校 Jamia Millia Islamia 出版的一本儿童杂志)来研究如何将这些重要而崇高的教育问题转化为日常教学实践。从1926年开始。Payām为 Jamia 自己的中小学学生提供故事、知识和想法,同时也成功地扩大了地理范围。
