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From conflict to climate: refugees to IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) in the Bay of Bengal
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Pub Date : 2023-08-04 , DOI: 10.1080/19480881.2023.2237226
Anindita Roy Saha 1 , Shubhra Seth 2


The Rohingya refugees rehabilitated in Bangladesh present a unique case bearing human and environmental security cross complications. Forced to flee from Myanmar due to military atrocities and ethnic violence, they took refuge in neighboring Bangladesh from 2017 onwards. These refugees are standing at the crossroads of converting from Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs) to potential climate refugees in the near future due to their rehabilitation in the environmentally sensitive island of Bhasan Char, which is regularly ravaged by cyclones, sea level rise and other climate challenges. This paper argues that Bangladesh is a case study of paradoxical human settlement. On the one hand, the host country is giving refuge to conflict victims while, at the same time, it is triggering climate-induced displacement within their own country. From conflict-ridden areas to climate-sensitive zones, such rehabilitation of refugees invites deeper crises and calls for immediate policy attention.




在孟加拉国康复的罗辛亚难民是一个独特的案例,涉及人类和环境安全的交叉复杂性。由于军事暴行和种族暴力,他们被迫逃离缅甸,从2017年起前往邻国孟加拉国避难。这些难民正站在不久的将来从被迫流离失所的缅甸国民 (FDMN) 转变为潜在气候难民的十字路口,因为他们在环境敏感的巴桑恰尔岛 (Bhasan Char) 进行了康复,该岛经常受到飓风、海平面上升和其他灾害的破坏。气候挑战。本文认为孟加拉国是矛盾的人类住区的一个案例研究。一方面,东道国为冲突受害者提供庇护,同时也在本国引发气候引起的流离失所。
