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Simulation of Heat Transfer for Contact Drying of Fibrous and High-Moisture Materials with Variable Heat Supply
Fibre Chemistry ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10692-023-10416-8
G. V. Kalashnikov

The simulation of heat transfer for contact drying of fibrous and high-moisture materials with the use of variable heat supply was carried out in order to determine the rational production parameters of the roller dryer and increase the energy efficiency of the technological line. For drying materials, analytical dependences for determining the heat flux, the intensity of the heat carrier consumption per time unit, and the intensity of the thermal effect under conditions of variable heat supply are proposed. Based on the obtained model of heat transfer under variable thermal effect, the calculation of the contact drying process for a roller dryer was performed.



