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Body-Worn Cameras in a Correctional Setting: Assessing Jail Deputy Attitudes Before, During, and After Implementation
Justice Evaluation Journal Pub Date : 2023-08-08 , DOI: 10.1080/24751979.2023.2244039
Bryce E. Peterson 1 , Michael D. White 2 , Brittany C. Cunningham 1 , Daniel S. Lawrence 1 , Jennifer Lafferty 1 , James Coldren 1


Body-worn cameras (BWC) have become ubiquitous in law enforcement but are nascent in correctional settings. There is little research on the attitudes of the corrections personnel expected to wear these devices, even though their buy-in is critical for successful implementation. We address this gap by examining the perceptions of deputies from the Loudoun County, Virginia Adult Detention Center (LCADC) who participated in a 12-month BWC pilot program. We survey LCADC deputies at three periods (pre-, mid-, and post-implementation) and analyze mean changes in their perceptions of BWCs and staff-resident relationships. We find that LCADC deputies were neutral or did not agree that BWCs would improve efficiency and accuracy, have a civilizing effect on incarcerated residents, or lead to work-related disruptions. These attitudes remain largely consistent across the three survey periods. We also find that deputies had more negative perceptions of their relationships with residents at both the mid- and post-implementation periods, compared to the pre-implementation period. The results suggest that, when developing a BWC program, corrections officials should involve front-line personnel early in the planning process. Officials should also ensure policies are tailored to the unique needs of their correctional agency, rather than merely adapting policies created for law enforcement.




执法机构中佩戴式摄像头 (BWC) 已经无处不在,但在惩教环境中才刚刚起步。尽管惩戒人员的接受对于成功实施至关重要,但关于惩教人员期望佩戴这些设备的态度的研究却很少。我们通过调查参加了为期 12 个月的 BWC 试点计划的弗吉尼亚州劳登县成人拘留中心 (LCADC) 代表的看法来解决这一差距。我们在三个时期(实施前、实施中和实施后)对 LADC 代表进行了调查,并分析了他们对《生物武器公约》和工作人员与驻地关系的看法的平均变化。我们发现 LADC 代表保持中立或不同意 BWC 会提高效率和准确性、对被监禁的居民产生文明影响或导致与工作相关的干扰。这些态度在三个调查期间基本保持一致。我们还发现,与实施前相比,在实施中期和实施后,代表们对与居民的关系有更多的负面看法。结果表明,在制定《生物武器公约》计划时,惩戒官员应让一线人员尽早参与规划过程。官员还应确保政策适合惩教机构的独特需求,而不仅仅是调整为执法制定的政策。惩戒官员应让一线人员尽早参与规划过程。官员还应确保政策适合惩教机构的独特需求,而不仅仅是调整为执法制定的政策。惩戒官员应让一线人员尽早参与规划过程。官员还应确保政策适合惩教机构的独特需求,而不仅仅是调整为执法制定的政策。
