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Computer aided analysis of biomechanical performance of schanz screw with different additive manufacturing materials used in pertrochanteric fixator on an intertrochanteric femoral fracture (corrosion resistance approach)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-08 , DOI: 10.1002/cnm.3763
Arif Gok 1 , Levent Urtekin 2 , Kadir Gok 3 , H Deniz Ada 4 , Asrin Nalbant 5

This study examines the use of computer-aided analysis to evaluate the biomechanical performance of Schanz screws made from different additive manufacturing materials (Ti6Al4V, 316 L, Inconel 625, and Inconel 718) in a pertrochanteric fixator for the treatment of intertrochanteric femoral fractures. Intertrochanteric fractures (ITFs) are severe traumas often seen in the elderly population and can lead to serious consequences. The primary objective of ITF surgery is to provide stability and allow for early ambulation and rehabilitation. The Pertrochanteric Fixator is a surgical implant used to treat hip fractures near the greater trochanter, and is attached to the femur with screws. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes 1–2 h. Possible complications include infection, nerve injury, and hardware failure. The aim of this study is to evaluate the biomechanical performance of Schanz screw using computer-aided analysis, comparing the effects of various additive manufacturing materials including Ti6Al4V, 316 L, Inconel 625 and Inconel 718 in a pertrochanteric fixator for intertrochanteric femoral fractures. Additionally, this study will also consider the corrosion resistance of these materials to ensure long-term durability and effectiveness in a clinical setting. The stress values mentioned for the implant materials are as follows. Ti6Al4V: 153.33 MPa, 316 L: 180.98 MPa, Inconel 625: 158.94 MPa, Inconel 718: 148.91 MPa. Higher stress values indicate a greater load transfer to the bone, which can potentially lead to stress shielding. Stress shielding occurs when an implant bears a significant portion of the load that should be transferred to the bone. This reduced stress at the fracture site can prevent the healing process, as bones require adequate stress levels for optimal remodeling and regeneration.


股骨粗隆间骨折转子间固定器使用不同增材制造材料的 schanz 螺钉生物力学性能的计算机辅助分析(耐腐蚀方法)

本研究采用计算机辅助分析来评估用于治疗股骨粗隆间骨折的转子间固定器中由不同增材制造材料(Ti6Al4V、316 L、Inconel 625 和 Inconel 718)制成的 Schanz 螺钉的生物力学性能。股骨粗隆间骨折(ITF)是老年人群中常见的严重创伤,可导致严重后果。 ITF 手术的主要目标是提供稳定性并允许早期下床活动和康复。转子间固定器是一种外科植入物,用于治疗大转子附近的髋部骨折,并用螺钉固定在股骨上。该手术在全身麻醉下进行,通常需要 1-2 小时。可能的并发症包括感染、神经损伤和硬件故障。本研究的目的是利用计算机辅助分析评估Schanz螺钉的生物力学性能,比较不同增材制造材料(包括Ti6Al4V、316 L、Inconel 625和Inconel 718)在股骨转子间骨折转子间固定器中的效果。此外,这项研究还将考虑这些材料的耐腐蚀性,以确保在临床环境中的长期耐用性和有效性。植入材料提到的应力值如下。 Ti6Al4V:153.33 MPa,316 L:180.98 MPa,Inconel 625:158.94 MPa,Inconel 718:148.91 MPa。应力值越高表明向骨骼传递的负载越大,这可能会导致应力屏蔽。当植入物承受应转移至骨骼的大部分负载时,就会发生应力屏蔽。 骨折部位应力的减少会阻碍愈合过程,因为骨骼需要足够的应力水平才能实现最佳重塑和再生。