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Current opinion in pediatrics: what is new with irritable bowel syndrome.
Current Opinion in Pediatrics ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-07 , DOI: 10.1097/mop.0000000000001280
Hebat Y Kamal 1 , Kayla Morneault-Gill , Christina B Chadwick

This review aims to summarize the most up-to-date criteria for diagnosis of pediatric irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and treatment options. It also explores recent research that has been performed evaluating risk factors, pathophysiology, and treatment designed to improve quality of life for those who suffer from IBS. IBS is a common disorder in pediatrics and one of the most common causes of abdominal pain for children; thus, it can be quite debilitating for individuals to achieve a satisfactory quality of life on a routine basis. Reliable, available treatment is needed but can be challenging to find, given the variety of symptoms and triggers involved and lack of a clear understanding of how IBS develops.



本综述旨在总结儿童肠易激综合征(IBS)的最新诊断标准和治疗方案。它还探讨了最近进行的研究,这些研究评估了风险因素、病理生理学和旨在改善肠易激综合征患者生活质量的治疗方法。IBS 是儿科常见疾病,也是儿童腹痛的最常见原因之一;因此,对于个人来说,在日常生活中获得令人满意的生活质量可能会让人非常虚弱。可靠、可用的治疗是必要的,但由于所涉及的症状和触发因素多种多样,而且对肠易激综合症如何发展缺乏清晰的了解,因此寻找治疗方法可能很困难。