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Stopping problems with an unknown state
Journal of Applied Probability ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-09 , DOI: 10.1017/jpr.2023.52
Erik Ekström , Yuqiong Wang

We extend the classical setting of an optimal stopping problem under full information to include problems with an unknown state. The framework allows the unknown state to influence (i) the drift of the underlying process, (ii) the payoff functions, and (iii) the distribution of the time horizon. Since the stopper is assumed to observe the underlying process and the random horizon, this is a two-source learning problem. Assigning a prior distribution for the unknown state, standard filtering theory can be employed to embed the problem in a Markovian framework with one additional state variable representing the posterior of the unknown state. We provide a convenient formulation of this Markovian problem, based on a measure change technique that decouples the underlying process from the new state variable. Moreover, we show by means of several novel examples that this reduced formulation can be used to solve problems explicitly.


