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Finding Needles in the Haystack: Strategies for Uncovering Noncoding Regulatory Variants
Annual Review of Genetics ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-10 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-genet-030723-120717
You Chen 1, 2 , Mauricio I Paramo 1, 2 , Yingying Zhang 1, 2 , Li Yao 2, 3 , Sagar R Shah 1, 2 , Yiyang Jin 1, 2 , Junke Zhang 2, 3 , Xiuqi Pan 1, 2 , Haiyuan Yu 2, 3

Despite accumulating evidence implicating noncoding variants in human diseases, unraveling their functionality remains a significant challenge. Systematic annotations of the regulatory landscape and the growth of sequence variant data sets have fueled the development of tools and methods to identify causal noncoding variants and evaluate their regulatory effects. Here, we review the latest advances in the field and discuss potential future research avenues to gain a more in-depth understanding of noncoding regulatory variants.


