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The Big Story of a “Small” Football Club: Gümüşlükspor as an Alternative Model Experience for Turkey
Sociology of Sport Journal ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-10 , DOI: 10.1123/ssj.2022-0056
Rahşan İnal 1

This article argues that counter-hegemony, which is at the heart of sports activism, is not just an action but also the construction of alternative institutional structures. For this purpose, it investigates the practices of an amateur football club and discusses the structural problems of the Turkish amateur football league. The data, collected during a 6-month field study, were interpreted from a critical perspective, using a dialectical dialogue method to apply the theory of hegemony in sports by applying Antonio Gramsci’s concept of the “organic intellectual.” Consequently, this sports club has provided socialization and free football training for children while creating an alternative football culture with local characteristics that are opposed to class and gender inequalities and to homophobic attitudes common in sport.


“小”足球俱乐部的大故事:Gümüşlükspor 作为土耳其的另类体验模式

