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The Map of the Current Vegetation on the Territory of Distribution of the Population of Saiga tatarica tatarica L. in the North-Western Caspian Region
Arid Ecosystems Pub Date : 2023-08-12 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079096123030113
I. N. Safronova , N. Yu. Stepanova , T. Yu. Karimova , O. G. Kalmykova , S. S. Ulanova , N. L. Fedorova , I. A. Goryaev , S. A. Poluektov , D. G. Polyakov


The map of the current vegetation on the territory of the present and expected distribution of the Saiga population in the North-Western Caspian region is presented. The map was created due the research work under an agreement of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) at a scale of 1 : 200,000 in the ArcGIS. The legend contains 61 numbers, which are combined into 11 groups according to the dominant formation. In the steppe zone fallow lands and pasture fields of different ages on slightly undulating and undulating plains with light chestnut soils (Kastanozem by WRB) are represented by Stipa sareptana, Artemisia lerchiana communities on loamy and sandy loam soils in complexes with Artemisia lerchiana and Leymus ramosus, Poa bulbosa, Agropyron desertorum communites on solonetzes (I); Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Agropyron desertorum, Poa bulbosa, Artemisia lerchiana, Tanacetum achilleifolium communities on loamy and sandy loam soils in complexes with Artemisia lerchiana, A. pauciflora, Tanacetum achilleifolium communites on solonetzes (II); Festuca valesiaca, Agropyron desertorum, Stipa sareptana, Leymus ramosus, Artemisia lerchiana communities on loamy and sandy loam saline soils in complexes with Artemisia lerchiana, A. pauciflora, Tanacetum achilleifolium, Poa bulbosa, Leymus ramosus communites on solonetzes (III); Poa bulbosa, Agropyron desertorum, Stipa sareptana, Leymus ramosus, Artemisia lerchiana, A. taurica, Tanacetum achilleifolium communities on loamy and sandy loam saline soils in complexes with Artemisia taurica, A. lerchiana, A. pauciflora communites on solonetzes (IV); Artemisia lerchiana, A. austriaca, Festuca valesiaca, Agropyron desertorum, Leymus ramosus and Festuca valesiaca, Poa bulbosa, Artemisia austriaca communities on loamy and sandy loam saline soils in complexes with Artemisia pauciflora, A. santonica communites on solonetzes (V). In the desert zone pasture fields on hilly sands, on undulating plains with brown desert (Calcisol by WRB) sandy and sandy loam soils are represented by Artemisia lerchiana, Poa bulbosa and Poa bulbosa, Artemisia lerchiana communities (VI); Artemisia lerchiana, Poa bulbosa and Poa bulbosa, Artemisia lerchiana communities on brown desert saline soils of light granulometric composition in complexes with Artemisia pauciflora, Poa bulbosa communites on solonetzes (VII); complexes of Artemisia lerchiana, Poa bulbosa and Artemisia taurica, Poa bulbosa communities on brown desert saline soils of light granulometric composition (VIII); complexes of Poa bulbosa, Artemisia lerchiana and Poa bulbosa, Artemisia taurica communities on brown desert saline soils of light granulometric composition (IX); Artemisia lerchiana, Poa bulbosa communities on undulating and wavy sands, Calligonum aphyllum on hilly sands (X); Poa bulbosa, Stipa sareptana, S. caspia, Agropyron fragile, Sporobolus cryptandrus, annual (Ceratocarpus arenarius, etc.) communities on intensive pastures with brown desert sandy soils (XI).




提供了里海西北部地区赛加羚羊种群当前和预期分布范围内的当前植被地图。该地图是根据世界自然基金会 (WWF) 协议的研究工作在 ArcGIS 中按 1:200,000 比例创建的。图例包含 61 个数字,根据主导阵型组合成 11 组。在草原区,浅栗色土壤(WRB 的 Kastanozem)的轻微起伏和起伏平原上的不同年龄的休耕地和牧场以沙质针茅、壤质和沙质壤土上的艾蒿群落为代表,与艾蒿和羊草复合。 、 球根早熟禾、沙漠草草 (Agropyron Desertorum) 在solonetzes 上群落 (I);萨雷普塔针茅 (Stipa sareptana)、莱辛针茅 (S. lessingiana)、羊茅 (Festuca valesiaca)、壤土和沙壤土上的草草、球茎早熟禾、勒氏蒿、苋叶草群落,与松草上的草苋、少花草、苋叶草群落形成复合群落 (II);壤质和沙壤土盐渍土上的羊茅、沙草、针茅、羊草、莱氏蒿群落与蒿属、少花、苋菜、早熟禾、羊草在松草上群落 (III);早熟禾、沙草、针茅、羊草、勒氏蒿、鞑靼草、Tanacetum achilleifolium 群落在壤土和沙壤土盐渍土上,与鞑靼蒿、勒氏蒿、少花蒿在solenetzes 上群落 (IV);艾蒿 (Artemisia lerchiana)、奥地利蒿 (A. austriaca)、羊茅 (Festuca valesiaca)、沙草、羊草、羊茅、球根早熟禾、奥地利蒿群落在壤土和沙壤土盐渍土上,与少花蒿、A. santonica 在 solonetzes 上群落 (V)。在沙漠地带的丘陵沙地牧场上,在棕色沙漠(WRB的Calcisol)沙质和沙壤土的起伏平原上,以艾蒿(Artemisia lerchiana)、早熟禾(Poabulosa)和早熟禾(Poabulosa)、艾蒿(Artemisia lerchiana)群落为代表(VI);勒奇亚纳 (Artemisia lerchiana)、早熟禾 (Poabulbosa) 和球根早熟禾 (Poabulboosa)、早熟禾 (Poabulbos)、早熟禾 (Poabulbosa)、早熟禾 (Poabulbos) 群落,在浅粒成分的棕色沙漠盐碱土上与少花蒿 (Artemisiapauciflora)、球根早熟禾 (Poabulboosa) 形成复合物,在 Solonetzes 上群落 (VII);勒奇亚蒿、球根早熟禾和鞑靼蒿的复合物,浅粒成分棕色沙漠盐土上的球根早熟禾群落 (VIII);浅粒组成的棕色沙漠盐土上的球根早熟禾、勒氏蒿和球根早熟禾、鞑靼蒿群落的复合体 (IX);起伏和波状沙地上的艾蒿 (Artemisia lerchiana)、球根早熟禾 (Poabulboosa) 群落,丘陵沙地上的沙拐枣 (Calligonum aphyllum) (X);球根早熟禾、萨氏针茅、S. caspia、脆冰草、Sporobolus cryptandrus、一年生(棕漠沙土集约化牧场上的角果角果属 ( Ceratocarpus arenarius等)群落 (XI)。
