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I Can’t Forget What You Couldn’t Tell Me: A Psychoanalyst Listens to Asylum Seekers
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly ( IF 0.788 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-09 , DOI: 10.1080/00332828.2023.2237507
Nanette C Auerhahn 1

This paper details my psychoanalytic process evaluating refugees as part of their application for asylum. It focuses on the emergence of unrepresented content and abject states within the intersubjective matrix that lead to collaborative creation of a story of trauma. Such intra- and inter-personal encounters are structured by the larger social, political, and cultural contexts that support, limit, structure, erase, and determine what can be known and told. Knowledge of traumatic inscription necessitates attunement to nonverbal affective states in both survivor and witness as well a receptive society that is able to tolerate grief, acknowledge the degradation and depravity unleashed in victim and victimizer during violence, and absorb survivors’ mournful morality tales.



