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Digital Sources for Nineteenth Century Music in Portugal: ‘A Long Way to Run’
Nineteenth-Century Music Review Pub Date : 2023-08-14 , DOI: 10.1017/s1479409823000228
Luísa Cymbron , Joana Peliz

Discussing music in Portugal in the nineteenth century, and the digital resources that the country makes available for musicological research on this historical period, requires, first of all, a clarification about the chronological boundaries that limit this temporal unit. One can naturally understand that the periodization to be adopted should be the most obvious, that is, the one that determines the dates 1801 and 1900 as the beginning and end of the century in question. But it is worth asking whether it would not be more appropriate to define a periodization based on the events that unequivocally determined the panorama of music in Portugal in that century.



