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Soil Cover Structure and Pasture Soil Properties in a Dry Steppe Zone under Conditions of Different Grazing Intensities
Arid Ecosystems Pub Date : 2023-08-12 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079096123030046
A. V. Borisov , I. A. Idrisov , V. N. Pinskoy , A. Potapova , A. V. Bukhonov , M. V. Eltsov


A study was made of the features of the soil cover of solonetz complexes in different parts of the pasture of an average sheep farm in the dry steppe zone in the Manych river basin in the conditions of dissected relief. It has been established that several types of soil cover can be distinguished on the territory of the pasture that differ in the degree of transformation of the profile of different components of the solonetz complex under the influence of intensive grazing. It is shown that the heterogeneity of the soil cover is due to the uneven impact of grazing, which, in turn, is determined both by the degree of remoteness from the farm and by the characteristics of the vegetation cover in different parts of the pasture. The areas with a well-pronounced complexity of the soil cover and a high proportion of solonetzes, dominated by grass-wormwood associations, are subject to the greatest pasture load. A tendency to a reduction in the thickness of the AJ and SEL horizons of light chestnut soils and solonetzes was noted as the pasture load increased. In the soil cover of feather grass areas of pastures, the share of solonetzes is much lower, which can be associated with a short-term pasture load on these soils.




对马尼奇河流域干旱草原区普通养羊场牧场不同部位索罗涅茨复合体土壤覆盖特征进行了研究。已经确定,在牧场范围内可以区分几种类型的土壤覆盖,这些类型的土壤覆盖在集约化放牧的影响下,索洛涅茨复合体不同组成部分的轮廓变化程度不同。结果表明,土壤覆盖的异质性是由于放牧影响的不均匀性造成的,而放牧影响的不均匀性又是由距农场的远近程度和牧场不同部位的植被覆盖特征决定的。土壤覆盖复杂性明显且单层土壤比例较高的地区,以草-艾草协会为主,承受最大的牧草负荷。随着牧场负荷的增加,浅栗色土和 solonetzes 的 AJ 和 SEL 层厚度有减少的趋势。在牧场的羽毛草区域的土壤覆盖中,solonetzes 的比例要低得多,这可能与这些土壤上的短期牧场负荷有关。
